Belladerma Cosmetic Surgery & Skin Care Center offers our exclusive Belladerma Custom Facelift™ for men and women in San Diego, La Jolla, and Carmel Valley, as well as surrounding areas of California. The mini facelift helps with sagging and wrinkles in the lower and mid-face.
What Is the Belladerma Facelift™?
San Diego's premier surgeon, Dr. Moz personally developed the Belladerma Custom Facelift™ procedure to restore youthful facial contours with minimal trauma and downtime. Dr. Moz performs The Belladerma Custom Facelift™ to restore skin laxity in the face, cheek, and neck areas.

This procedure is ideal for patients under the age of 50 with moderate skin laxity The Belladerma Custom Facelift™ is also an option for patients that had previous facelift surgery and desire a “tune-up,” often using –and even improving – the original scars. You can see the results in our facelift surgery before and after pictures.
How Much Does a Belladerma Custom Facelift™ Cost in San Diego, CA?
The average cost of our exclusive Belladerma Custom Facelift™ range STARTS from $9,600 to $12,000. As part of your consultation, we explain the costs associated with your personalized treatment and skin care plan. Multiple financing options are available, and you can apply before your consultation.
What Is a Custom Face Lift?
You may be familiar with a traditional facelift that rejuvenates the entire face. Plastic surgeons developed the mini face lift procedure to provide men and women with a less extensive, yet highly effective, alternative to a full facelift.
What Happens During the Belladerma Custom Facelift™ Surgery?
Excess skin is removed and the facial tissues are lifted into a more desirable position and supported with deep sutures in the muscle fascia for longer lasting benefits than simple “skin lifts.” The Belladerma Custom Facelift™ frequently incorporates neck lift techniques to improve the appearance of loose skin, excess fat deposits, and horizontal wrinkles underneath the chin and on the neck.
What Results Can I Expect from My Belladerma Custom Facelift™?
The lower face looks younger once the wrinkles and sagging are corrected.
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What Can I Expect During Recovery from My Belladerma Custom Facelift™?
You may have some downtime after your Belladerma Custom Facelift™, but it is minimal compared to a full facelift.
Can the Belladerma Custom Facelift™ Be Combined with Other Procedures?
To enhance the results of the Belladerma Custom Facelift™, Dr. Mozaffari can combine another surgical or non-surgical treatment to deliver optimal age-defying, skin-smoothing results. For example, the FX carbon dioxide resurfacing laser is often used to complement the results of facelift surgery (instead of a chemical peel or dermabrasion) by reducing wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and other pigmentary skin damage. Dr. Mozaffari compares laser resurfacing to “ironing and cleaning your dress after it has been tailored to fit better.”
Why Choose Dr. Mozaffari?
Dr. Mozaffari contributed to the development of the techniques that we use for the Belladerma Custom Facelift™, so you can feel confident that the procedure will be performed with exceptional skill and precision.
Dr. Farid Brad Mozaffari is a double board-certified plastic surgeon who offers our exclusive Belladerma Custom Facelift™ for men and women in San Diego, La Jolla, Carmel Valley, and the surrounding communities in California. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.