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PRP for Hair in San Diego, CA

Belladerma Cosmetic Surgery & Skin Care Center offers PRP for hair restoration for men and women in San Diego, La Jolla, and Carmel Valley, as well as surrounding areas of California. PRP for hair restoration uses platelet-rich plasma from your blood to slow hair loss and stimulate new hair growth.

What Is PRP for Hair?

PRP for hair loss uses the growth factors that are found in the platelet-rich plasma of your blood. The growth factors stimulate hair growth and strength hairs to slow fallout and thinning. PRP for hair loss is effective for male pattern baldness, as well as female pattern baldness.

PRP for Hair in San Diego, CA

How Much Does PRP for Hair Cost?

The cost of PRP for hair restoration varies. As part of your consultation, we explain the costs associated with your personalized treatment and skin care plan. Multiple financing options are available for your convenience, and you can apply before your consultation.

What Happens During the PRP for Hair Loss Treatment?

We draw a small amount of blood from one of your veins and process it to separate the components. The platelet-rich plasma is drawn into a syringe and injected into areas of the scalp where you have thinning.

What Should I Expect After My PRP for Hair Loss Treatment?

Hair grows in cycles, so you may notice that some hairs fall out after the treatment or that certain areas do not seem to be responding. This is a normal reflection of where the hair is within the various growth stages. Over the coming months, you will see a restoration of hair in the treatment areas.

Why Choose Belladerma Cosmetic Surgery & Skin Care Center for Your PRP for Hair Treatment?

  • Over 16 years dedicated to the art and science of plastic surgery
  • Performed thousands of successful procedures
  • Board certified and members of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons
  • Hands-on and engaged about your results and care
  • Up to date on the latest plastic surgery trends and techniques
  • Accommodates Spanish-speaking patients
  • Respectful of your time
  • Human touch in everything we do by investing a great deal of time and care into each patient appointment
  • Excellent bedside manner
  • Conveniently located with plenty of parking

Dr. Mozaffari is actively involved in the plastic surgery community as members of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. He stay up to date with the latest PRP for hair loss techniques and technology to enhance patient outcomes.

Dr. Farid Brad Mozaffari is a double board-certified plastic surgeon who offers PRP for hair loss for men and women in San Diego, La Jolla, Carmel Valley, and the surrounding communities in California. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.