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Are you an active person that enjoys exercise and finds yourself frequently on-the-go? Do you anticipate having a hard time sitting still while you recover from your planned plastic surgery procedure? You’re not alone. Resuming exercise after plastic surgery is a topic frequently discussed with San Diego plastic surgeon Dr. Dennis Bucko. Here, he shares his general guidelines and timeline for gradually getting back up to speed after surgery.

The First Two to Three Weeks after Surgery

During the initial recovery period, it is critical to rest and relax as the body recovers. Elevating your heart rate and straining your body could lead to serious complications that possibly affect your healing and results.

Give yourself permission to lay low the first two weeks of your recovery guilt-free. Besides getting up every few hours to walk to the restroom or around the house, remain in a comfortable resting position where you can relax your muscles and limit stress on your body.

Around the two-week mark, Dr. Bucko should clear you to start taking longer walks. He encourages you to gradually increase the time and length of your walks, slowly building endurance. Depending on your procedure, you might find it challenging to walk around the block at your normal pace! Take it easy and be kind to your healing body.

Three to Six Weeks after Surgery

Approximately three to six weeks after surgery, Dr. Bucko will talk to you about resuming your normal exercise routine — but at a modified pace. For example, he may ask you to exercise at say, 25 percent rate of your normal speed or exertion. If you regularly work out on a treadmill or elliptical machine, you can go slowly, gradually building up your time, incline or resistance. At this point, stretching might feel good to your body and help with blood flow and circulation.

Six to Eight Weeks after Surgery

By the six to eight week mark, your body has recovered significantly and can sustain more activity. If you like aerobics, cycling or swimming, you can slowly return to your normal activity level (with Dr. Bucko’s approval). However, should you feel any pain or discomfort, slow down to reduce the risk of injury. You can call Dr. Bucko at any time to ask questions or clarify one of his instructions.

Contact Our San Diego Plastic Surgeon

For more information about resuming exercise after plastic surgery, please call (858) 453-8484 or email Belladerma Cosmetic Surgery & Skin Care Center today.