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Liposuction is a high-demand surgery for many who, even with proper diet and exercise, still struggle with disproportionate contours of their body due to localized deposits of excess fat.

Although liposuction (also known as lipoplasty) is a popular cosmetic procedure – the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) reported that over 325,000 individuals had it done in 2011 - there is still a lot of misinformation out there about this surgical procedure.  Here are the four top myths about liposuction:

1. Not a Real Surgery. One of the common myths about liposuction is that it is not a "real" surgery. While the incisions are small, and general anesthesia is not always necessary, and it may be performed on an out-patient basis, the procedure is indeed a surgery.

The process of breaking up and suctioning out fat requires significant disruption of the tissue involved. The body may have adverse reactions during the healing process. This is a serious surgery and should be treated as such.

2. Removes Cellulite. Liposuction won't remove cellulite, contrary to many people's beliefs. Sometimes by removing fat and smoothing an area, the appearance of cellulite decreases, but it is not always the case.

3. Removed Fat Can’t Come Back. Many people believe that once the fat is removed it can't come back, which is only partly true. Liposuction reduces the number of fat cells, but leaves some intact as well. Those that remain after the surgery can get bigger if a patient gains weight, which will affect the long-term outcome.

4. Good Weight Loss Tool. Many believe that liposuction is a good weight loss tool, which is not the case. While it does remove excess fat and improve the contour of the body, it may not impact weight significantly, as the number of pounds of fat that can be safely removed from the body is minimal.

And while liposuction can help remove the stubborn pockets of fat that are visible, the procedure does not directly reduce the risk of obesity-related problems such as high blood pressure or cholesterol levels.

"People are self-conscious about the fat they can see," Heather Hausenblas, associate professor of exercise and health at Florida’s College of Health and Human Performance, said. “But it's the hidden fat, in people of any size, [which] poses the bigger threat to health, and liposuction does not remove that type of visceral fat."

Common areas treated with liposuction, which involves removing diet-resistant fat from various parts of the body through a cannula (hollow metal tube) inserted into a small incision, include the stomach, buttocks, hips, love handles, saddlebags, thighs, calves, ankles, breasts, back, arms and neck.

Take a look at the Before/After photo below of one of Dr. Bucko's patients. If you are considering liposuction, call for a consultation with Dr. Bucko, a board certified plastic surgeon who is highly qualified in this procedure.